Millennium Magazine_11th Ed_Rosetta Cox

189 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine HEALTH AND WELLNESS cum laude with an MD from the University of Honduras School of Medicine in his native country of Honduras. After spending several years practicing medicine in Honduras, Dr. Raudales traveled to the United States, situating himself in El Paso, Texas. He served as the medical director of acute dialysis at the Sierra Medical Center from 1991 to 2001, having at this time also served as chief of staff at Providence Memorial Hospital in 1997 and Sierra Medical Center in 1998 and again from 2008 to 2009. From 2001 to 2003, he also served Sierra Medical Center as chairman of the department of internal medicine. Other vocational endeavors to Dr. Raudales’ credit have included serving as a member of the medical review board for the End Stage Renal Disease Network in Dallas from 2001 to 2007. In the present day, he currently excels as the medical director of transplant services at Las Palmas Medical Center, co-chairman of the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee of the Sierra Providence Network and medical director of Central City Dialysis, where he first began in 1993. Civically, he has served the Baptist Free Clinic since 2005. Notably, Dr. Raudales is the president and founder of El Paso Kidney Specialists and a past president of theEl PasoMedical Society. Anelected fellow of the American College of Physicians and American Society of Hypertension, he formerly served in the United States Army to the rank of major between 1990 and 1991. Likewise, Dr. Raudales has demonstrated his expertise as a contributor to medical articles, reviewer and writer regarding hypertension. Looking toward the future, Dr. Raudales intends to continue helping patients as a nephrologist. He is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. Drawing influence from his father and aunt, who were both physicians, Dr. Fernando Raudales became accustomed to seeing patients from a young age. As time progressed, he desired to follow in their footsteps and take care of patients as well. In 1979, he graduated summa FERNANDO RAUDALES, MD NEPHROLOGIST, MEDICAL DIRECTOR Central City Dialysis El Paso, TX