Millennium Magazine_11th Ed_Rosetta Cox

246 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine SOCIAL SERVICES AND NONPROFIT supplies, books and toys. As executive director, Ms. DiCarlo is tasked with the responsibility of fundraising to keep Santa Claus, Inc., abreast of changes in society. Under her guidance and leadership, she has expanded the organization to provide year-round programs and has helped more than 150,000 children in 2019 alone. For more information or to submit a donation, please visit Ms. DiCarlo attributes her success to her passion for helping others, and she has been greatly recognized for her efforts over the years. Named Mentor of the Year for her outstanding service to her community, she was also named Hero of the Heartland and received the 2018 California Woman of the Year Award from Senator Connie M. Leyva. Additionally, Ms. DiCarlo earned the 2016 Entrepreneur of the Year Award, the 2014 Big Hearts Award from the Unforgettables Foundation and the 2010 Shine a Light on Child Abuse Award from San Bernardino County, California. Instilled with a sense of humanitarianism from a young age, Karen DiCarlo began volunteering at the tender age of 12. At that time, her mother would bring her to rest homes on the weekends to communicate with the residents who lived there, and she also volunteered actively with her schools. Ms. DiCarlo emphasizes that volunteerism is a way of life; this mindset attracted her to Santa Claus, Inc. Involved with Santa Claus, Inc., for 30 years, she has served as the organization’s executive director since 2012. Previously, Ms. DiCarlo was the president of Santa Claus, Inc., for nine years, having commenced her career with the organization as a volunteer. She is the organization’s inaugural executive director, as well as its longest serving president. Based in San Bernardino, California, Santa Claus, Inc., established its roots in 1952 and cultivates youth and family empowerment through itsmany programs. Serving underserved children and families in the Inland Empire, Santa Claus, Inc., brings essential items to children in low-income areas, including such items as clothing, shoes, blankets, toiletries, school KAREN DICARLO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Santa Claus, Inc. San Bernardino, CA