Millennium Magazine_11th Ed_Rosetta Cox

Determine the Personality of your brand Before all else, understand who your customers are and what they want from their experience with your brand. This will determine your brand’s personality and how to represent it best to build loyalty among consumers. What is the best way to describe your products and company culture? Is it fun, quirky or sophisticated? Is your brand warm and welcoming? Or are you more of a “straight shooter”? Once you have determined the type of personality your brand wants to portray, use this information to shape how you communicate with customers. Write down adjectives that describe what your brand is about so you can better understand its personality, what makes it unique and what you are trying to convey to others. Humanize Your Brand To build a strong brand, you must be both relatable and human. If you are like most individuals, this might feel like an uncomfortable step. You may worry about sharing too much about yourself or getting too personal with your audience. However, being relatable does not mean being fake or putting on a show. It means being genuine, honest, open and vulnerable with your audience. Being human also means acknowledging that everyone struggles at some point, and that no one is perfect. Sometimes, it also means admitting when something went wrong (for example, if something went wrong with one of the products you offer). Admitting mistakes, that you are wrong or that your company erred are moments that can strengthen bonds between companies and consumers by showing they are not alone and that there are always methods to be better. Tap into Social Media Use social media as an opportunity to share things about yourself and your company. Share photos of your office space or mention employees who work there. Show you have interests outside of work, as well. For example, if you love fitness or travel, post those experiences on social media channels so followers can see the person behind the business. Create personality profiles for each employee. If multiple employees are working at your company, create different personalities for each one so customers can get to know them better without even knowing it. Five Ways to Use Brand Relatability Brand Relatability is essential for marketers because it helps a brand create more its audience is more likely to attract customers who see themselves as part of the a product if they can relate to it. How can you use the concept of brand relatability