Millennium Magazine_2ndEd

262 MILLENNIUM-SECOND EDITION D r. John R. Moore has over 60 years of experience in academia, as well as a passion for teaching and expertise in agricultural marketing and international trade. Dr. Moore earned a Bachelor of Science in agriculture from The Ohio State University, a Master of Science in agricultural economics from Cornell University, and a PhD in agricultural economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He began his career in 1953 as a graduate research assistant at Cornell University, serving as such for two years before obtaining a similar position at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. With profound knowledge of agricultural and resource economics, he continued to excel and obtain many teaching positions, serving as an assistant professor at Michigan State University and associate professor, a professor in world food situation and food marketing, and assistant dean in international programs before becoming a professor emeritus at the University of Maryland, College Park in 1995. As an accomplished professor, Dr. Moore has taught a large number of students who have gone on to become very successful, with three being chosen to receive PhD thesis awards. He had the opportunity to live in India for two years and was a consultant to theWorld Bank in India, Nigeria and the Kyrgyz Republic. Dr. Moore was also part of the U.S. Agency for International Development’s efforts in Indonesia, Malawi, Haiti, Liberia and Egypt. In addition to being a member of the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association, the American Economic Association and the International Association of Agricultural Economists, Dr. Moore is the senior author of “Market Structure of Agriculture Industries,” “U.S. Investment in Latin American Food Processing” and “Indian Food Grain Market.” His contributions to the field earned him the International Honor Award in 1985 and a Certificate of Appreciation from the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1986. JOHN R. MOORE, PHD PROFESSOR EMERITUS University of Maryland College Park, MD