Millennium Magazine_2ndEd

A Marquis Who's Who Magazine 283 P rominent physician and educator Dr. Yoshiaki Omura has been involved in the medical field for over six decades. Known for his expertise in oncology, cardiology, pharmaco-electrophysiology, neuroscience, forensic medicine, acupuncture and a plethora of other medical techniques, Dr. Omura has achieved much success in his career. He holds seven United States and Japanese patents and invented the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BDORT). He discovered four new noninvasive methods of detecting various cancers including the detection of cancers from electrocardiograms from two years ago, as well as atrial fibrillation and organ representation of the Thymus gland and its clinical application for diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Omurawas born in Tomari, Japan, where he received an associate degree from Nihon University, a Bachelor of Science in applied physics fromWaseda University, and a Doctor of Medicine from Yokohama City University. After earning his credentials, he obtained internships at Tokyo University Hospital andNorwalk Hospital, then completed a research fellowship in cardiovascular surgery at Columbia University. From 1960 to 1965 he remained at Columbia, completing postgraduate coursework in experimental physics and working as a resident physician in surgery before earning a Doctor of Science. He began educating students as an assistant professor of pharmacology and instructor of surgery at NewYork Medical College from 1966 to 1972. He spent some time in Europe as a visiting summer professor at the University of Paris and maître de recherche of the distinguished foreign scientist program at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research. Dr. Omura has receivedmany awards and accolades for his contributions to themedical field, including theWorld First Qi Gong Scientist of the Year Award from the International Congress of ChineseMedicine &Qi Gong. Outside of the classroomhe has shared his knowledge as a contributor tomany publications. Presently he serves as an editorial consultant for the American Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, an editorial board member of the Scandinavian Journal of Acupuncture and Electrotherapy, and editor-in-chief of Acupuncture &Electro-Therapeutics Research, International Journal of IntegratedMedicine. YOSHIAKI OMURA, MD, SCD MEDICAL EDUCATOR New York, NY