Millennium Magazine_2ndEd

A Marquis Who's Who Magazine 301 N euroscientists like Dr. James Byrne Ranck study the brain and nervous system. Dr. Ranck was inspired to enter his profession during the doctors’ draft of 1955, when he was recruited by the National Institutes of Health to perform research. He enjoyed the work so much during his time there that hedecided topursue a career inneuroscience, inwhichhis research involves recording fromsingle neurons in living animals for behavioral studies. Between 1959 and 1973 he worked on analyzing the flow of electric currents in the brain, the electrical properties of glia, electrical impedance of the brain, the release of potassium from neurons in a seizure, and which elements are activated during an electric simulation of the brain. After earning a Bachelor of Arts from Haverford College and a Doctor of Medicine from Columbia University, he worked with the National Institutes of Health from1956 to 1958. A year later, hemoved to a career in education, first serving as a postdoctoral fellow in the department of physiology at the University of Washington, then as an instructor. He continued on the postsecondary education track, earning positions as an assistant professor and professor at the University of Michigan. Since 2005 he has been a distinguished teaching professor at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn, wherehewas previously aprofessor in thedepartment of physiology. Dr. Ranck is noted for and most proud of discovering head- direction cells, which was an important breakthrough in his field, as it helped neuroscientists determine how the navigation system of the brain functions and led to further research. In addition to this groundbreaking achievement, he received an honorary doctorate fromSUNYDownstateMedical Center, which also held a symposium in his honor in September 2016. Dr. Ranck has been featured in the 60th through 66th editions ofWho’sWho inAmerica, the 24th edition of Who’s Who in the East, and the 28th edition of Who’s Who in the World. JAMES BYRNE RANCK NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCHER, EDUCATOR SUNY Downstate Medical Center New York, NY