Millennium Magazine_2ndEd

A Marquis Who's Who Magazine 29 receiving the full attention of a professional who is motivated by more than dollar signs, which has earned her not only their trust, but perhaps more importantly, their respect. Having gone through several rough patches in her own life has made Ms. Rogala’s journey to the top a humbling one to say the least. She’s relocated for work 19 times and faced discrimination in the workplace on several occasions, though that never stopped her from allowing her talents to speak for themselves. After amove to Chicago, she encountered friction with an employer that resulted in a program she had created being rejected by management. Nevertheless, her love for her work, innovative spirit and creativity have kept her goals clear and her determination strong. By channeling the work ethic of her father, a business owner who groomed his daughter with accounting and managerial tasks, and her mother, a tennis champion and expert swimmer, she has been able to accomplish almost anything to which she puts her mind. As a woman whose career has been built on the premise of reaching back to lift as she climbs, Ms. Rogala urges young female professionals to remain focused on their goals and look to themselves first for inspiration, as growth always starts from within. Ms. Rogala received a Bachelor of Science from Roosevelt University and anMBA inmanagement from The University of New Mexico. She looks forward to taking on more business ventures in the coming years, with retirement looming far in the distance.