Millennium Magazine_2ndEd

32 MILLENNIUM-SECOND EDITION A ccordi ng to a test imon i a l appearing on her website , (www. Eva Jo Sparks is an “excellent resource” for her company and remonstrates with those who try to challenge her work. Another client testimonial describes her as having a “pit bull attitude” while pushing the boundaries to ensure that their family was able to emerge victorious from a hard-fought legal battle. While these descriptions do well to paint the portrait of a skilled, results-oriented professional, they also give an indication of the type of person Eva Jo Sparks is at her core: honest, driven, ethical, transparent, and frankly, when she puts her mind to it, unstoppable. As an expert witness and forensic specialist with more than 20 years of experience, Mrs. Sparks serves as a consultant to the Federal Bureau of Investigations and has been recognized as a valuable asset to the FBI. She also consults with banks and other financial institutions, advising on matters involving employment discrimination, Medicare fraud and abuse, embezzlement, asset misappropriations, and other types of white-collar crimes. Mrs. Sparks graduated from Oklahoma City University with a Bachelor of Science in pre- law and legal studies. She also has additional training in internal controls auditing, statistical sampling, governmental auditing, financial transactions, ethics, legal research, and other professional areas. Her continuing education requirements keep her current with evolving fraud trends. In December 1999, Mrs. Sparks became a Certified Fraud Examiner and earned the CFE accreditation. Additionally, she achieved the Certified Fraud Specialist designation and CFS accreditation in January 2010. Mrs. Sparks relies on her education, expertise and experience to solve both suspected and unsuspected fraudulent financial transactions, trust asset evaluations, and other white-collar fraud crimes involving questionable practices EVA JO SPARKS, CFE, CFS OWNER, CONSULTANT Oklahoma Expert Witness Broken Arrow, OK