Millennium Magazine_2ndEd

34 MILLENNIUM-SECOND EDITION W ith a diploma from Mesa College and a dream to share his passion for music, David Franklyn Adams began his career in 1967 as a band director at Burlington High School. After serving in that position for a year, Mr. Adams began practicing music with Denver Affair in Las Vegas. He remained in that position for four years, leaving to serve with the United States Army from 1974 to 1990. During his time in the Army, he was a pianist, stage band director, rhythm vocal branch head for the Armed Forces School of Music, acting band commander, and counselor for Army Community Service. He returned to teaching in 1990 as a private instructor in Albuquerque, New Mexico and at the Bosque School; the Academy of Music in Norfolk, Virginia; and An Achievable Dream Academy, serving at the latter as band director since 2001. Mr. Adams is affiliated with the International Association for Jazz Education and the National Association for Music Education. He received an Outstanding Leadership and Performance Award from the Young Razzcals Jazz Project, a Community Service Award from the Arts Council Cooperative, the Frank G. Brewer Aerospace Award from the National Civil Air Patrol, as well as a Grover Loening Award from the Civil Air Patrol. His musical expertise and dedication to teaching helped him to become the founder, director and producer of the Young Razzcals Jazz Project, a program that mentors young musicians from diverse backgrounds. A former all- city jazz band director for Virginia Beach Public Schools and resident jazz musician, Mr. Adams has been featured in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Education and Who’s Who in the World. DAVID FRANKLYN ADAMS MUSIC EDUCATOR An Achievable Dream Academy Virginia Beach, VA