Millennium Magazine_2ndEd

A Marquis Who's Who Magazine 59 D r. James Garland Berryman is an experienced researcher on the physical properties of rocks and porous materials, as well as in acoustic, seismic and electrical resistance/ electromagnetic inverse theory. Growing up, Dr. Berryman knew he wanted to pursue a career in science. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in math and a Bachelor of Science in physics from the University of Kansas, as well as a Master of Science in physics and a PhD in condensed matter physics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Since 2006, he has served as a senior scientist with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, where he applies his skills to geophysical problems in oil and gas using seismic exploration and exploitation tools, induced seismicity for geothermal studies, and an understanding of the mechanical and fluid flow properties of granular and fractured media. Prior to his current position, Dr. Berryman was a physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, where he served for 25 years, and a member of the tech staff at AT&T Bell Telephone Laboratories for three years. He has held visiting, consulting and sabbatical appointments at various institutions, including Stanford University, the applied physics lab at the University of Washington, the Courant Institute at New York University, and the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris. He has authored over 150 journal articles, a number of conference proceedings papers, and internal company reports. Previously he served as an associate editor of the Journal of Mathematical Physics and IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. He holds numerous patents for time-reversal acoustics for multiple targets. Dr. Berryman is a fellow of the Institute of Physics and received the Maurice A. Biot Medal for his work in poroelasticity from the American Society of Civil Engineers. He is a member of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, the American Geophysical Union, the Acoustical Society of America, and the American Physical Society. JAMES GARLAND BERRYMAN, PHD PHYSICS/GEOPHYSICS RESEARCHER, APPLIED MATHEMATICS RESEARCHER Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Danville, CA