Millennium Magazine_2ndEd

A Marquis Who's Who Magazine 63 cells in a given area. He has shared his expertise as a co-author of “Excursions into Mathematics” with A. Beck and D. Crowe, as well as a co- translator of “A Mathematical Guidebook for Technologists and Engineers.” Dr. Bleicher earned a Bachelor of Science from the California Institute of Technology because of his love and passion for math and science. He then became a teaching and research assistant at Tulane University, subsequently earning a Master of Science and PhD in number theory. After completing a fellowship in 1961 with the University of Warsaw, where he earned a doctorate in the foundation of mathematics, he became a National Science Foundation fellow at the University of California, Berkeley. In 1962 he joined the University of Wisconsin, where he served as a professor and remained until 1996, and was also elected chairman of the department of mathematics from 1975 to 1977. He took a hiatus from academia from 1979 to 1981 and worked with the United States Department of Energy as a liaison, then as an advisor. In 1981 he returned to the University of Wisconsin. In 1998, he accepted the chairmanship of the math department at Clark Atlanta University, where he remained until 2004. He later served as professor and chair at Eternal University in Himachal Pradesh, India and was the founder of the Wisconsin Emerging Scholars program and the Wisconsin Mathematics Talent Search. The highlights of his career have been discovering new mathematics, interacting with students, imparting knowledge and making a difference in their lives. Dr. Bleicher is a member of the American Mathematical Society, the Mathematical Association of America and the Polish Mathematical Society. He has managed local and statewide political campaigns with a 67 percent success rate and has been a Democratic Party activist. D r. Michael Nathaniel Bleicher, a professor emeritus of mathematics at the University of Wisconsin, has amassed over three decades of experience in academia. Dr. Bleicher is known for having researched the length and size of denominators in Egyptian fractions and achieved the smallest subdivision of a region of MICHAEL NATHANIEL BLEICHER, PHD MATHEMATICS PROFESSOR (RETIRED) University of Wisconsin Pensacola, FL