Millennium Magazine_2ndEd

112 MILLENNIUM-SECOND EDITION A n analyst of structural change and security in world politics, Dr. Charles Doran has received the highest scholarly awards in both international relations and Canadian studies for path-breaking theoretical and policy work. After studying history and science at Harvard (AB, 1964), Dr. Doran established expertise in foreign affairs at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and in political theory at Johns Hopkins University (PhD, 1969). From 1970 to 1979, he taught as assistant through full professor at Rice University in Houston, where he consulted widely on political risk for the oil, banking and chemical industries. In 1979, he joined the faculty at Johns Hopkins University SAIS as professor of international relations and director of Canadian studies, and since 1991 has been the Andrew W. Mellon Professor of International Relations. He recently developed and directs an innovative program in international political economy. Dr. Doran created the power cycle theory of historical change and foreign policy behavior, uncovering principles of relative power dynamics that contour critical shifts in a state’s trajectory, a traumatic recurrence that periodically shattered statecraft. The International Political Science Review devoted an entire issue to power cycle theory, and it is featured in encyclopedias and international relations textbooks worldwide. Dr. Doran has authored more than 100 books and articles, including “Myth, Oil, and Politics,” “Forgotten Partnership,” and “Systems in Crisis,” the latter nominated by Cambridge University Press for the Gelber Prize. Amidst strategic developments, Dr. Doran has been called upon to lead policy assessments, testify before committees of Congress or the Canadian Parliament, and advise decision- makers regarding OPEC policy, Gulf security, Arctic security, global energy, and threat assessment rankings. C-SPAN features online 15 of his many televised interviews. His writings have been translated into nine languages. CHARLES F. DORAN, PHD ANDREW W. MELLON PROFESSOR OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies Washington, DC