Millennium Magazine_2ndEd

142 MILLENNIUM-SECOND EDITION H aving been interested in becoming a physician from a formative age, Dr. Paul Friedmann routinely gives back to his profession, sharing his knowledge and expertise with future generations of professionals. Born to parents Erich and Rochelle Friedmann in Vienna, Austria, in 1933, he subsequently immigrated to the United States in 1938 and attended the University of Pennsylvania, where he earned a BA. Four years later, he received an MD from Harvard University. After gaining hands-on experience in the field, he obtained an MBA from the University of Massachusetts in 2000. Dr. Friedmann’s first professional post was with Baystate Medical Center, where he was chairman of the department of surgery from 1971 to 1998. He also served as senior vice president of academic affairs from 1996 to 2005. Subsequent to these illustrious roles, he was the executive director of the Pioneer Valley Life Sciences Institute, a position he held from 2005 until his retirement in 2013. Alongside his primary endeavors, Dr. Friedmann served Tufts University in multiple capacities, including as a professor of surgery, chairman ad interim of the department of surgery, and professor emeritus. He has also been the dean’s professor in biomedical innovation within the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts Amherst since 2006. Among the highlights of his career, Dr. Friedmann is most fond of his work conducted with the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), of which he served as chairman from 1998 to 2000. In his role, he helped move the organization to fully independent status, which had a tremendous effect on the role of medical education in the United States. The recipient of the John C. Gienapp Award from ACGME in 2003, Dr. Friedmann also received the President’s Medallion from Western New England University. He has been selected for inclusion in several editions of Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare, Who’s Who in the East and Who’s Who in the World. PAUL FRIEDMANN, MD SURGEON, EDUCATOR, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY EXECUTIVE Pioneer Valley Life Sciences Institute Longmeadow, MA Millennium Magazine Featured Listee