Millennium Magazine_2ndEd

202 MILLENNIUM-SECOND EDITION A s a teenager, Dr. Jane K. Kadohiro was inspired by a nurse who cared for her when she was hospitalized for surgery and Type 1 diabetes. Dr. Kadohiro hoped to follow a similar career path but was met with discouraging words from people who believed that her medical condition would prevent her frombecoming a doctor, going to college, or even having a family. Unwilling to accept this stigma, she worked very hard, eventually becoming an advocate for individuals facing similar discrimination. Among her most notable efforts was initiating seven diabetes bills in state legislature that eventually became law. A founding member of the American Diabetes Association in Hawaii and the Hawaii State Center for Nursing, and former national president of the American Association of Diabetes Educators, Dr. Kadohiro now holds a total of six college degrees, including a Master of Public Health, Master of Science and Doctor of Public Health from the University of Hawaii. She has been an advanced practice registered nurse since 1998 and a certified diabetes educator since 1988. For more than 25 years, Dr. Kadohiro has served as president and CEO of Diabetes Education and Support Consulting Services. She was a diabetes education program coordinator with the Queen’s Medical Center between 2009 and 2013. Since 1978 Dr. Kadohiro has been intimately involved with the Hawaii State Department of Health, having served as acting chief of the chronic disease branch. She was the deputy director of health for the state of Hawaii from 2002 to 2004 and a faculty member at the University of Hawaii from 1991 to 2009. In recognition of her contributions to advancing health care, Dr. Kadohiro was recently selected to receive the Steve Bieringer Keep on Trucking Award for advocacy by the American Diabetes Association in 2018. She hopes to be remembered for making a difference and by her patients and students as someone who truly understood them and was able to meet their needs beyond textbook requirements. Dr. Kadohiro advises those facing obstacles in their lives to continue pushing forward and never let anyone stop them from pursuing their professional goals. JANE K. KADOHIRO, DRPH, APRN, CDE, FAADE NURSE, EDUCATOR, CONSULTANT Sparks, NV