Millennium Magazine_2ndEd

230 MILLENNIUM-SECOND EDITION A n esteemed musician and educator, Elliot Magaziner was a professor for four decades beginning in 1970 at Manhattanville College in Purchase, New York, where he also acted as a music director. The recipient of a Bachelor of Music from The Juilliard School, he has also been a faculty member of the Music Conservatory of Westchester, where he enjoys performing as a violinist and conductor. Throughout his career, he has appeared in major cities across the globe, including New York, Washington, Paris, Jerusalem and Amsterdam, among others. Mr. Magaziner has also taught at Concordia College, New York University and Purchase College, and performed at the Summit International Music Festival. A violinist in the CBS Orchestra for 27 fruitful years, he was featured in 1,000 television broadcasts and 1,000 commercial recordings. As a chamber musician, he has played for such entities as the Guilet String Quartet, the Metropolitan String Quartet and the Columbia Broadcasting Quartet, and was a soloist in the New York Philharmonic and L’Orchestre Symphonique de Paris. As one who believes in the value of instilling discipline in the arts through the study of such prestigious figures as Johann Sebastian Bach and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Mr. Magaziner notes that approaches to technique and musicianship should be incorporated with those of major composers. Alongside the inherent aesthetic delight of music, diligent study of classical pedagogic composers can serve as a keystone of forthcoming original compositions. Mr. Magaziner was honored by The New York Times for his recording of “Charles Ives Sonata #2,” which was chosen as one of the 10 best compositions of the year. In recognition of his talent and contributions to the industry, the Westchester County legislature named December 1st as Elliot Magaziner Day. He has been selected for inclusion in several editions of Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in Entertainment, Who’s Who in the East and Who’s Who in the World. However, the most rewarding aspect of his profession was playing before King George VI prior to World War II. ELLIOT MAGAZINER MUSICIAN, CONDUCTOR, EDUCATOR Scarsdale, NY