Millennium Magazine_2ndEd

A Marquis Who's Who Magazine 165 D r. John O. Hallquist became interested in software development for solving problems inmechanical engineering. He hadanappreciation fordesignengineers and admired their dedication and hard work. In the early 1970s, engineering software was in its formative stages, thus prompting him to take advantage of the opportunity to develop software helping design engineers determine outcomes before conducting costly physical testing. To prepare for this career, he earned a BS in industrial engineering from Western Michigan University, as well as MS and PhD degrees in mechanical engineering and engineering mechanics from Michigan Technological University. As the founder and president of the Livermore Software Technology Corporation (LSTC) since 1987, Dr. Hallquist works toward the goal of releasing new versions of sophisticated analysis software in a timely manner for the benefit of customers of LSTC. Believing that the most important goal is to develop the capabilities to satisfy requests from customers, he and his development teams work quickly to deliver the needed capabilities. Prior to founding his firm, he was employed in 1973 by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the nuclear test and nuclear explosives engineering divisions and later in the physics department. In addition to holding patents in his field, Dr. Hallquist is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and has accrued dozens of accolades throughout his career. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers honored him with the AppliedMechanics Division Award in 2003, and he received the Award for Significant Contributions to Nuclear Weapons Program from the U.S. Department of Energy in 1986. He has also been highlighted in the 37th edition of Who’s Who in Finance and Business, as well as multiple editions of Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, Who’s Who in the West and Who’s Who in the World. Looking toward the future, he will continue to develop complete multiphysics capabilities within the software so it can be used for all aspects of automotive and aerospace design, as well as countless other applications used by engineers worldwide. JOHN O. HALLQUIST, PHD ENGINEERING COMPANY EXECUTIVE Livermore Software Technology Corporation Livermore, CA