Millennium Magazine_2ndEd

A Marquis Who's Who Magazine 201 A renaissance woman, Marnie Jones- Koenig has had a series of careers that have the common thread of healing, whether through designing a better world, healing through music, protecting Earth, or up-leveling human discourse and empowerment. Her design career started at Rhode Island School of Design, where she earned a BFA in industrial design in 1971. She was a toy designer and then taught product design at North Carolina State University for two years. She attended a semester at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and two years at Stanford University as a graduate student. She was elected a Fellow of the Industrial Designers Society of America in 1980, after gaining notoriety for a ground- breaking newsletter, acting as program chair for the 1978 annual conference, and serving on the national board. Her last design job was at Tonka Toys from 1982 to 1985, although her abilities have been useful in other pursuits. Those include joining with others to create events to promote world peace, community organizing to stop a gravel mine, and running an inn in an old church where she played the harp for guests. In 1985, she left industrial design to pursue her passion for music. She has created nine albums of original music (including cover designs), all for the purpose of bringing peace and spiritual healing to listeners. One album was on a Billboard Top 20 list. She became a Reiki healer in 1981 and discovered in 1984 that she had the ability to heal with her voice. In 1985, she was drawn to the harp as a deeper expression of healing through music. She has toured and presented workshops on healing with sound and music. Marnie’s healing arsenal became greatly enhanced when, in 2012, she discovered the Modern Mystery School, where she has studied the Universal Kabbalah and many ancient healing modalities in the lineage of King Solomon, the Wise. At 69 she became a guide and opened her new center, Star of the Sea Center of Light, where she offers meditation and personal empowerment classes, life activations and Reiki and Ensofic Ray healing (with voice as needed). MARNIE JONES-KOENIG OWNER Star of the Sea Center of Light Vashon, WA