Millennium Magazine_2ndEd

20 MILLENNIUM-SECOND EDITION A sk anyone who’s ever tried unsuccessfully to trim some pounds and you’ll likely hear one of these reasons as to why they failed: “I don’t have enough time.” “I can’t work out.” “Dieting is too hard.” For many people, eating correctly is one of, if not the most difficult parts of losing weight, but it doesn’t have to be. Rather than attempting fad diets with temporary results and extreme eating plans, simply making better, more informed choices can lead to increased energy, more restful sleep, and an overall better quality of life. A former police officer and assistant director of security operations, Linda D. Miller has worked in physically demanding roles for much of her career, even serving as an aerobics instructor while on the force and teaching aerobics to faculty members while working for a college. After retiring from law enforcement, she became a partner in IDLife, LLC, a distributor of weight loss products, nutritional items and skin care products for men and women. Though it seems like there are a million multilevel marketing companies promoting weight loss products to consumers eager to find the next great fix, IDLife is unique in that its core values are focused more on health and wellness than financial gain. While the opportunity exists for independent business owners to take charge of their destiny and help others do the same through teambuilding and collaboration, Ms. Miller and others like her are primarily concerned with making lifestyle changes that not only remove excess weight, but do so on an individual’s own terms, at their own pace. The company, which provides an even playing field upon which partners can build their book of business, also sponsors performance, fitness and weight loss challenges to motivate people even further to reach their goals. Because improving one’s health is reliant on an overall lifestyle change, Ms. Miller’s motivation never fails when it comes to helping others make better wellness choices. She LINDA D. MILLER FOUNDING PARTNER IDLife, LLC Secane, PA