Millennium Magazine_2ndEd

266 MILLENNIUM-SECOND EDITION D r. Gerhard G. Mueller is an exceptional educator and accountant who started his career as a staff accountant with FMC Corp. in San Jose, California, in 1957. After this opportunity, he was employed as a facultymember in the department of accounting at the University of Washington, a role he maintained from 1960 until his retirement from education in 1996. During this time, he also served the University of Washington in multiple capacities, including as an associate professor, full professor, chairman of the department of accounting, director of the Graduate Professional Accounting Program, senior associate dean, Hughes M. Blake professor of international business management, acting dean, and Julius A. Roller professor of accounting. After concluding his time in education, he served as a member of the Financial Accounting Standards Board from 1996 to 2001. Highly educated, Dr. Mueller holds several degrees. After graduating from the College of the Sequoias with an AA in 1954, he subsequently attended the University of California, Berkeley, where he earned a BS with honors in 1956, an MBA in 1957, and a PhD in 1962. After making significant strides in his field, he was the recipient of two honorary doctorates from the Hanken School of Economics in Finland and Kwansei Gakuin University in Japan. A fellow of the Academy of International Business, Dr. Mueller is the author, co- author and co-editor of 19 books and more than 100 journal articles and reviews. As a testament to his success, he has been honored with numerous accolades, including the Distinguished Achievement in Accounting Education Award from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants in 2000, the Public Service Award from the Washington Society of Certified Public Accountants in 1995, and the Wildman Medal from the American Accounting Association in 1986. He has also served as a distinguished international visiting lecturer for the American Accounting Association in seven African countries. GERHARD G. MUELLER, PHD PROFESSOR EMERITUS, FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING STANDARD SETTER (RETIRED) Cupertino, CA