Millennium Magazine_2ndEd

86 MILLENNIUM-SECOND EDITION D r. JonArsenChilingerianbeganhis career working in government, health and human services for the city of Boston. He took several leadership positions, and, owing to his strong beliefs in good government, took charge of large-scale projects to bring state-of-the-art management to public sector organizations. At the age of 27, he was named assistant healthcommissioner for the cityof Boston and was put in charge of a major transformational project that involved three hospitals and a dozen neighborhood health centers. He was successful at implementing these projects and then spent time as a doctoral student at the Sloan School at MIT studying and researching how he could further improve complex health organizations. Soon after, Dr. Chilingerian began a thriving career in academia, serving as founding director of the Heller School at Brandeis University’s MD- MBA, MBA, EMBA and health services research concentration in the PhD program. He is a tenured professor at Brandeis, a visiting professor of organizational behavior and health care management at INSEAD, and an adjunct professor of public health at the Tufts University School of Medicine. Dr. Chilingerian contributes scholarly research and publications to the field of health care policy and management. His research focuses on clinical leadership, identifying physician best practices, and measuring productive efficiency and quality. He is currently working on advancing clinical applications of frontiermethodologies such as data envelopment analysis (DEA), studying quality and productivity in a variety of clinical diagnoses and procedures. Dr. Chilingerian is the founding director of the EMBA physician program, enrolling 30-35 physicians each year in an accelerated 16-month AACSB-accredited MBA program for physicians. In 1995, Dr. Chilingerian founded the first four- year, dual-degree MD-MBA program in health management with the Tufts School of Medicine. Today it is the largest MD-MBA program in the United States, with over 250 graduates. In 2012 he launched a Physician Executive Leadership Academy in partnership with the Hanley Center in Maine. He is married to clinical therapist Dianne Chilingerian and is the father of two. Dr. Chilingerian is a lifetimemember of Pi SigmaAlpha, Phi Kappa Phi and Beta Gamma Sigma. JON ARSEN CHILINGERIAN, PHD PROFESSOR, DIRECTOR Brandeis University Waltham, MA