Millennium Magazine_2ndEd

102 MILLENNIUM-SECOND EDITION W ith more than 45 years of experience, Dr. Arlie V. Daniel is a distinguished educator in speech communication. His life was altered when he took a public speaking class in high school, and he decided that a career in speech communication was right for him. After earning an AA from Iowa Lakes Community College and a BA from Morningside College, he received an MA from the University of Iowa and a PhD from the University of Nebraska. After receiving his bachelor’s degree, Dr. Daniel commenced his career as a high school teacher with Missouri Valley Schools in 1965. He held that position for three years before serving in the same capacity in Clinton Public Schools from 1971 to 1978. The director of communication education at East Central University from 1981 to 2010, he also served as a Linscheid Distinguished Professor from 2006 to 2010. He has earned the title of professor emeritus since retirement. Dr. Daniel has co-authoredandwritten chapters in several textbooks. In 2013 he contributed to “Creating Competent Communicators: Activities for Teaching, Speaking, Listening and Media Literacy in the K-12 Classroom,” and he was the editor of “Activities Integrating Oral Communication Skills for Students in Grades K-8” in 1992. He also co-authored two editions of DR. ARLIE V. DANIEL PROFESSOR EMERITUS East Central University Ada, OK Project Text for Public Speaking. Dr. Daniel attributes his success to rising above and beyond expectations, as he took on leadership roles in every facet of his career. The governor of district 5770 of Rotary International in 2018, he also served the organization as assistant district governor and as vice president and president of the Ada Rotary Club. He has also maintained affiliation with the American Association of University Professors, the International Communication Association, the Central States Communication Association, and the Oklahoma Speech Theatre Communication Association. Dr. Daniel was inducted into the Hall of Fame of the Central States Communication Association. He also received a Teaching Excellence Award from East Central University. In the same vein, he has been highlighted in several editions of Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the South and Southwest, and Who’s Who in the World.