Millennium Magazine_2ndEd

A Marquis Who's Who Magazine 11 lights to encourage greater energy efficiency. As these innovations and others like them continue to make their way to market, Ms. Eustis hopes to continue using her vast network and extensive knowledge base to provide research solutions characterized by trust and integrity. Ms. Eustis recently started a book publishing company called Lexington Books, which promotes change in industry and living, with the first two to be offered focusing on innovation. “Consumer Oxygen” describes new one-pound oxygen concentrators that individuals can take to the gym and use to increase endurance. Consumer oxygen is useful for eliminating excess toxins in the body that build up from an imbalance between oxygen and carbon dioxide. The extra oxygen binds to excess carbon dioxide in the body and increases endurance. “Voting Machine Audit Trails” provides information on innovation needed to address the vulnerabilities of the current vote counting systems that can be hacked without detection and calls for more systematic vote counting accuracy and security, recommending protections that are more suitable than current systems. Another book in the Lexington series is “Job Notion,” which describes the idea that people can become more educated using apps that are tied to games and thereby find jobs in industries that are growing instead of shrinking. “Job Notion” leverages Pokémon to entice people to gain points while learning more skills. “Profile of Elizabeth Warren” is a portrait of the intellectual leader Sen. Warren is and embraces the ideas around creating a fairer base for taxation, namely by developing a way to tax the wealthy at the same rate that the middle class is taxed. In addition to several patents, Ms. Eustis received a bachelor’s degree in government and mathematics from Barnard College. She has been recognized as a Top Female Executive by Worldwide Branding and was featured on the cover of a 2015 issue of Women of Distinction Magazine. To learn more about her company or read up on one of its market studies, visit her website ( ).