Millennium Magazine_3rdEd

31 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine W ith nearly 40 years in his profession, Dr. Theodore A. Bickart is an esteemed academic administrator in the field of engineering. He commenced his career in 1963, serving as an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at Syracuse University, and held this role for two years before ascended the ranks to become an associate professor for five years and a professor for 19 years. During his tenure at Syracuse, he also served as an associate to the vice chancellor for academy affairs and computer resources development for two years and dean of the L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science for five years. After serving as a professor of electrical engineering and dean of engineering at Michigan State University for nearly a decade, Dr. Bickart concluded his career at the Colorado School of Mines, where he was president from 1998 until attaining emeritus status in 2000. Dr. Bickart refined his expertise in the Middle East during the latter years of his career, working as a consultant to establish engineering accreditation activities. He also had the opportunity to serve as a Fulbright lecturer at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, a visiting lecturer at the Nanjing Institute of Technology, and an honorary distinguished professor at Taganrog State University of Radioengineering. In an effort to share his wealth of knowledge, he has contributed articles to professional journals and authored two books, “Electrical Network Theory” and “Linear Network Theory.” Dr. Bickart was deemed a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, which bestowed upon him several Best Paper Awards. He also received a Meritorious Achievement Award, a Meritorious Service Citation, a Region 5 Lifetime Achievement Award, a Distinguished Alumnus Award, and numerous research grants. Dr. Bickart holds a Bachelor of Engineering Science, a Master of Electrical Engineering and a Doctor of Engineering from Johns Hopkins University. After gaining prominence in his field, he also received an honorary doctorate from Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University. THEODORE A. BICKART, DENG UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT EMERITUS Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO EDUCATION