Millennium Magazine_3rdEd

45 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine Clinch River Breeder Reactor. Transitioning to academia, as special lecturer at the University of Akron from 1979 to 1984, Dr. Hochstein carried a half-time teaching load, conducted research on cryogenic propellant management systems, and completed all the requirements for a doctoral degree. From 1984 to 1991, Dr. Hochstein held appointments as assistant and associate professor at Washington University. Undergraduates recognized the quality of his instruction by selecting him for the college’s Professor of the Year Award in 1991. Since 1991, Dr. Hochstein has held appointments as associate professor and professor at the University of Memphis. He served as chair of the Mechanical Engineering Department for 18 years. He was the founding director of the Center for Biofuel Energy and Sustainable Technologies, focused on biodiesel production and hydrokinetic power generation. His research at all three institutions has been supported by grants from NASA, DOE, and funding from industrial sponsors. In addition to the dissemination of Dr. Hochstein’s research contributions at international conferences and in peer-reviewed publications, he has been the co-author for two textbooks that support an undergraduate introduction to fluidmechanics. His contributions to the profession include almost two decades of service as an ABET ProgramEvaluator, his service to AIAA as a long-time member and leader of the Microgravity Processes Technical Committee, and his service to ASME as a founding member of the K20 Computational Heat Transfer Committee. Connecting the academic world to that of professional practice, he helped students charter AIAA Student Branches at two universities, served for many years on the AIAA Region II Student Conference Organizing Committee, and has served as Faculty Adviser for AIAA, ASME and SAE student groups. A fter earning a Bachelor of Engineering degree from the Stevens Institute of Technology and an MSME degree from the Pennsylvania State University, Dr. John I. Hochstein commenced practice as an engineer at Electric Boat/General Dynamics, where he contributed to design of the Ohio Class of submarines and other projects from 1975 to 1977. From 1977 to 1979, at Babcock & Wilcox, he contributed to projects such as design of the EDUCATION JOHN I. HOCHSTEIN, PHD PROFESSOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING University of Memphis Memphis, TN