Millennium Magazine_3rdEd

106 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine ENERGY, ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING A lan Hillel Levine is a noted petroleum expert whose breadth of knowledge has been consulted upon on an international scale. An acclaimed authority on cash petroleum markets, he draws upon five decades of practiced experience, having previously worked for Smith Barney, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch and Johnson & Johnson, among other notable corporations. Commencing his career as an economics manager in 1964, he ascended the ranks until he became the chief executive officer of Powerhouse in 2012. Supported by a BS from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, and MS from Columbia University, his most notable role was as a consultant for the New York Mercantile Exchange to help them establish a heating oil futuresmarket. Themarket subsequently gained such prominence that all petroleum prices are determined under the exchange. Mr. Levine also founded the International Association for Energy Economics in 1978 and served as chapter president in 1980. As a testament to his longevity in the industry, he was highlighted in the 24th edition of Who’s Who in the East in 1992. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Powerhouse Washington, DC ALAN HILLEL LEVINE A specialist in engineering management, John W. Kraus amassed 41 years of experience prior to his retirement in 1993. Most recently a senior manager at McDonnell Douglas Space Systems Company, where he was previously branch chief, he is the former president of Kraus & DuVall, Inc., and was a special assistant at Atomics International. He commenced his career as an industrial engineer at TRW, Inc., holding the role for 20 fruitful years. In retirement, Mr. Kraus serves as secretary of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) class of 1941. The recipient of a BS from MIT and MBA from the University of Southern California, Mr. Kraus was initially offered multiple jobs that created fuel components for military aircrafts. After choosing to work for TRW, he soon transitioned to Atomics International, where he developed a reliability program that was approved by the U.S. Air Force. He was instrumental in changing the protective packaging for the military, and he is a two-time patentee. Mr. Kraus is a native of New York City and has been listed in several Who’s Who publications. He is married with two children, two grandchildren and two great- grandchildren. AEROSPACE ENGINEERING COMPANY EXECUTIVE (RETIRED) Newport Beach, CA JOHN W. KRAUS Millennium Magazine Featured Listee