Millennium Magazine_4th Ed

133 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine D rawing upon more than 55 years of experience in writing, Lewis Putnam Turco is an acclaimed author and poet whose prowess in the written word is unparalleled. Spending the majority of his career in academia, he first served as an instructor at Cleveland State University before completing a brief stint as an assistant professor at Hillsdale College. Beginning in 1965, he served as an assistant professor at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Oswego, rising through the ranks to full professor prior to attaining emeritus status in 1996. During his tenure at SUNY Oswego, he was a poet-in-residence for one year and founded the program in creative writing. Alongside his primary educational efforts, Mr. Turco was a founding director of the Cleveland State University Poetry Center, Bingham poet- in-residence at the University of Louisville, writer-in-residence at Ashland University and visiting professor at SUNY Potsdam. However, he is most gratified by his time in the U.S. Navy, where he was afforded the opportunity to travel across the globe aboard the USS Hornet. Mr. Turco is the author and editor of numerous books and collections of poetry and contributing writer of articles to journals. Recently publishing “The Sonetarium” in 2018, other works to his credit include “The Shifting Web: New and Selected Poems,” “Satan’s Scourge: A Narrative of the Age of Witchcraft in England and New England,” “The Book of Forms: A Handbook of Poetics” and “A Sheaf of Leaves: Literary Memoirs.” In recognition of his success, Mr. Turco was the recipient of the Robert Fitzgerald Prosody Award from the West Chester University Poetry Conference and the Melville Cane Award from the Poetry Society of America. Further, he won the Bordighera Bilingual Poetry Prize from the Sonia Raiziss-Giop Charitable Foundation, the John Ciardi Award for Lifetime Achievement in Poetry from the Italian-American Foundation and an award from the New England Book Festival. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Connecticut and Master of Arts from the University of Iowa, and he is the recipient of honorary doctorates from Ashland University, the University of Maine and Unity College. LEWIS PUTNAM TURCO PROFESSOR EMERITUS State University of New York at Oswego Dresden, ME EDUCATION