Millennium Magazine_4th Ed

141 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine A t the inception of his career in 1967, Dr. R. Marshall Wilson served the University of Cincinnati as an assistant professor of chemistry. Employed with the university for 38 years, he ascended to the rank of distinguished research professor in 1995, holding the position for a decade before attaining emeritus status. Alongside his teaching appointments, he also headed the Department of Chemistry for six years. Driven by a fervent desire to expand the minds of students, he continued his career at Bowling Green State University, where he has been serving as a distinguished research professor in the Department of Chemistry of the Center for Pure and Applied Photosciences for nearly 15 years. During his tenure at the University of Cincinnati, Dr. Wilson lent his expertise as a visiting professor of chemistry at the University of Wisconsin- Madison, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg in Germany and the Ohio State University. A frequent lecturer in the field, he has presented papers at prestigious universities across the nation, as well as in Canada, Portugal, Japan, Chile, Thailand and Ireland. He has contributed over 100 articles to esteemed journals and conducted research in organic methods, natural products synthesis, photochemistry, chemical applications of lasers and DNA photomanipulation. Most recently honored with the 2018 Inter-American Photochemical Society (I-APS) Fellow Award, Dr. Wilson was recognized for his outstanding lifetime contributions to the advancement of the photochemical and photophysical sciences and services to the I-APS. Named a fellow alongside Dr. Frederick D. Lewis of Northwestern University, Dr. Wilson cites the recognition as a career highlight. Likewise, he has received several grants from such prominent organizations as the National Science Foundation, the Department of Health, Education andWelfare, and the American Chemical Society. Among his achievements, Dr. Wilson fondly recalls working with Dr. R.B. Woodward to be a particularly impressive feat. A renowned organic chemist, Dr. Woodward received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1965. Dr. Wilson holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from Pennsylvania State University and PhD in organic chemistry from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. R. MARSHALL WILSON, PHD DISTINGUISHED RESEARCH PROFESSOR Center for Pure and Applied Photosciences, Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, OH EDUCATION