Millennium Magazine_4th Ed

149 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine D r. Gary B. Ferngren became interested in classical archaeology and ancient history as a high school student, knowing from an early age that he wanted to get a doctoral degree and teach at the university level. Obtaining a PhD from the University of British Columbia in 1973, he commenced his career at Oregon State University in 1970 as an assistant professor of history, holding the position for five years. He then escalated through the ranks to associate professor in 1978 and full professor in 1984, a role he still holds today. During his tenure, Dr. Ferngren has authored, co-authored, and edited numerous texts, as well as contributing articles to journals and chapters to books. Most recently writing “Essential Readings in Medicine and Religion” with Ekaterina Lomperis in 2017, he is a noted fellow of the International Society of Religion and Science and former vice president, U.S. delegate, and council member of the International Society of the History of Medicine. As a testament to his success, he received Oregon State’s highest award for teaching, the Elizabeth Ritchie Award, in 1974, which he cites as an ultimate career highlight. PROFESSOR OF HISTORY Oregon State University Corvallis, OR GARY B. FERNGREN, PHD S upported by more than 55 years of experience in physics and academia, Dr. W. Farrell Edwards retired from his position of physics professor at Utah State University (USU) in 2017. Joining the faculty in 1959, he has been lauded for his unwavering dedication to both students and colleagues, making an everlasting impression upon everyone who crossed his path. During his tenure, he established USU’s Space Dynamics Laboratory and served as the physics department head and director of USU’s honors program. Published extensively in the field, his papers have been printed in books on Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity. As a testament to his longevity in the field, Dr. Edwards was honored as USU’s Professor of the Year in 1977 and received Utah’s Governor’s Medal for Science and Technology in 2010, the state’s highest award for accomplishments in science. Listed in the 61st edition of Who’s Who in America, he was also a grantee of the Department of Homeland Security. He holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Utah, as well as a Master of Science and PhD from the California Institute of Technology. PHYSICS PROFESSOR, RESEARCHER Utah State University Logan, UT W. FARRELL EDWARDS, PHD EDUCATION Millennium Magazine Featured Listee