Millennium Magazine_4th Ed

328 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine groups. During his career, Dr. Hauser conducted research in elementary particle physics, astronomy and cosmology. He discovered cosmic infrared background radiation and aided in the confirmation of the Big Bang Theory. Further, he measured primordial irregularities leading to structure in the universe and was a co-investigator for discoveries, which garnered the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics for two colleagues. Dr. Hauser received the Exceptional Science Achievement Medal from NASA in 1984 and 1991, the John C. Lindsay Award in 1986 and the Award of Merit from the Goddard Space Flight Center in 1995. Additionally, he earned the Meritorious Executive Award from Federal Senior Executive Service in 1994, the AURA Science Award from the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy in 1998 and the Cosmology Prize from the Gruber Foundation in 2006. Most recently, he received the Van Biesbroeck Prize from the American Astronomical Society in 2014. D r. Michael George Hauser has been interested in the sciences since he was a child. Influenced by his father, a chemist, Dr. Hauser naturally gravitated toward the field. He grew up in the nuclear and space age, which further propelled his desire to enter the fields of physics and mathematics. Attending Cornell University, he earned a Bachelor of Science in engineering and physics, with distinction, in 1962, followed by a PhD in physics at the California Institute of Technology in 1967. During his studies, he worked with Princeton University with their Penn Princeton Accelerator, with which he conducted various experiments. From there, he decided to pursue astrophysics. Retired since 2011, Dr. Hauser most recently served as an astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, having previously served multiple universities in academic roles including the California Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins University, the University of Maryland and Princeton University. From 1977 to 1995, he served in several executive positions with the Goddard Space Flight Center, notably becoming chief of the Solar Physics and Astronomy Laboratory from1988 to 1995. Likewise, he has conducted presentations at panels and workshops, also maintaining membership with a number of other boards, committees and working DR. MICHAEL GEORGE HAUSER ASTRONOMER EMERITUS Space Telescope Science Institute Baltimore, MD SCIENCES, PHARMACEUTICALS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY