Millennium Magazine_4th Ed

130 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine D r. Lee M. Talbot’s career choice seemed easy, as his parents were both ecologists; his father was the head of research for Forest in the West, and his grandfather was the founder of the Fish and Wildlife Service. With his career goals mapped out, Dr. Talbot attended the University of California Berkeley, where he received a Bachelor of Arts in 1953, Master of Arts in 1963 and PhD in 1963. He served in the United States Marine Corps in 1953 and 1954. Dr. Talbot has worked as an ecologist and in related positions for multiple organizations. He has been a senior professor of environmental sciences, international affairs and public policy at George Mason University since 1994 and an affiliate of geography at the university since 2007. He previously worked at Lee Talbot Associates International, the World Bank, the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in Switzerland, and the International Council for Science in France. He also served such organizations as the World Wildlife Fund International in Switzerland, the President’s Council on Environmental Quality, the International Union for Conservation in Belgium, the UN Special Fund in Africa, and the National Academy of Sciences in Kenya and Tanzania. Dr. Talbot is proud to have contributed to biodiversity conservation, the incorporation of ecological principles in international development and new principles for the management of wild living resources. Dr. Talbot is also the author of 17 books and monographs and has contributed to more than 300 articles and journals. He thanks his mentors Professors Carl Sauer and Starker Leopold from UC Berkeley for being his inspiration. Dr. Talbot urges aspiring ecologists to not follow a narrow discipline, but be holistic. Dr. Talbot’s many accomplishments in his field have not gone unnoticed. In 2013, he was the recipient of the Benton Box National Award from Clemson University; in 2012, he was given the Secretary Interior Award for Development and Implementing the World Heritage Convention from the U.S. Secretary of State; and in 2010, he was the recipient of the Roll of Honor Award from the Species Survival Commission. LEE M. TALBOT, PHD PROFESSOR George Mason University McLean, VA EDUCATION Millennium Magazine Featured Listee