Millennium Magazine_4th Ed

178 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine A former office manager of the Grain Marketing Services Division with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for many years, Margaret “Betty” E. Turner had several responsibilities in her position. Handling certifications of inspections and weights of grain tied to strict regulations by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), she also worked in the laboratory in helping inspectors cut down samples, test for moisture content, and test weight per bushel for grain commodities in grain elevators, trucks, rail cars and ships for export. As such, this led her to receiving a grain inspectors license in 1966, making her the first woman licensed by the USDA. Describing her work style as holding the motivation to achieve her personal best for unusual challenges that arise, Ms. Turner is well known for respecting for and working with everyone in the business. Defining success as finding a well-liked job and doing your best to achieve a happy future, she also maintains involvement in civic endeavors. Prior to her retirement, Ms. Turner belonged to an alumni group that raised funds to help battered women and veterans in hospitals, was a charter member of the Pilot Club of Chesapeake and was a committee chair of the BPW Foundation. Since retiring, she has helped friends by driving them to doctor’s appointments. In her spare time, she also enjoys traveling and tap dancing. Impressively, she is a member of a senior tab club, where she does performances at nursing and retirement homes. To prepare for her career, Ms. Turner completed coursework in accounting at La Salle Extension University. Entering her career due to her desire to be a secretary for the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, she soon escalated the ranks to become the office manager of the Grain Marketing Services Division. Notably, after her retirement she became a consultant due to her dedication to the industry, remaining in the position for nearly two decades. Looking toward the future, Ms. Turner intends to continue enjoying her retirement and contributing her time to helping others. MARGARET “BETTY” E. TURNER OFFICE MANAGER (RETIRED) Grain Marketing Services Division, VA Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services Chesapeake, VA ENERGY, ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING