Millennium Magazine_4th Ed

13 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine S ir James L. Robinson is a noted architect, educator and real estate developer who has been serving as the president of Robinson Architects, PC, in New York since 1969. During his tenure, he notably designed the first 500 homes in the Brownsville neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, called the Nehemiah Houses, an affordable housing complex. Built and sold for $45,000 at the time, the houses are now worth $700,000 in the current day. He was credited for changing the face and reputation of the neighborhood, and the Nehemiah Houses are named one of the best property investments in the United States. Prior to his engagement with Robinson Architects, Sir Robinson was an architect with Kennerly, Slomanson & Smith; Carson, Lundin & Shaw; Herbst & Rusciano; W.T. Grant; and the Port Authority of New York. Commencing his career in 1964, he currently boasts 55 years of experience in architecture. Likewise, he has served as a visiting professor at the City University of New York, adjunct professor at the Pratt Institute and vice president of R&S Construction. Drawing upon a Bachelor of Architecture from Southern University and Master of City Planning from the Pratt Institute, Sir Robinson is notable for his principal architectural work, including the Stuyvesant Heights Christian Church, the David Chavis House, the Fulton Court Houses, the Sinclair Houses and the Hamilton Heights Terrace. Further, he is credited with the development of the Eliot Graham Houses, the Sojourner Truth Houses, the Mount Carmel Baptist Church, the Consolidated Edison Collection Center, the Paramount Best Western and the Sealy Funeral Home, among many others. Notably, Sir Robinson is a decorated knight of the Order of St. John and a Knight of Malta. He is the recipient of the Design Award from the American Institute of Architects, as well as an arbitrator with the American Arbitrators Association. In light of his outstanding contributions to architecture, he was highlighted in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Education, Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, Who’s Who in the East and Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders in America. SIR JAMES L. ROBINSON ARCHITECT, EDUCATOR, REAL ESTATE DEVELOPER Robinson Architects, PC New York, NY ARCHITECTURE, CONSTRUCTION AND REAL ESTATE