Millennium Magazine_5th Ed

51 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine combat tour in Vietnam flying helicopters, a battalion-level command on Okinawa, Japan, and a brigade-level command in Hawaii. After retiring from the Army, Mr. Wemlinger worked as an administrator at several alternative high schools, serving at-risk youth. He found this work challenging and as equally rewarding as his military service. In 2012, he retired from this line of work and took up writing, at first for his own enjoyment, but later decided that he had a voice that needed to be heard. Mr. Wemlinger has authored three novels, all of which have been inspired by his time in the military. “Winter’s Bloom,” “Operation Light Switch” and “Before the Snow Flies” each tell stories about combat veterans who return home with not only visible scars of war, but unseen, deeply gnawing, emotional wounds that continue to haunt them long after their physical rehabilitation is complete. “Operation Light Switch” was a finalist in Foreword Reviews 2018 Book of the Year contest. “Before the Snow Flies” won third place honors in the Colorado Independent Publishers’ Association’s 2019 prestigious EVVY Awards. As a regionally bestselling author, Mr. Wemlinger has been credited with creating his own genre, military romance. He says that “writing is a tough gig.” The traditional route to publication, through an agent to a publisher, is very limiting, but he encourages all writers with passion to continue to try and put forth their best work. “Success in the business of writing only comes to those who persevere,” he says. Mr. Wemlinger holds a Master of Arts from the United States Naval War College, a Master of Science from St. John’s University in New York City and a Bachelor of Science from The Ohio State University. J ohn V. Wemlinger served for 27 years in the United States Army, retiring in 1995 as a Colonel. He says the best years of his career were the ones he spent in various command positions. He has extensive experience in the Asian theater, including a JOHN V. WEMLINGER AUTHOR Onekama, MI ARTS, MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT