Millennium Magazine_5th Ed

62 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine R obert V. Cuddihy has always had a strong entrepreneurial spirit coupled with an analytical mind. He has been involved in consumer product companies for most of his career and enjoys making a difference in consumers’ lives. He is comfortable working with teams on the plant floor, in innovation and ideation sessions, or presenting in a boardroom or talking to a customer. Mr. Cuddihy is a hands- on leader with a collaborative and data-driven management style to discover opportunities to unlock and build enterprise value. He was a recipient of the Smart CEO Executive Management Award in 2013. Mr. Cuddihy joinedGrandBrands, Inc., in 2017 as their chief operating officer and became its chief executive officer in 2018. Grand Brands is a wellness company, and through its True Citrus product offerings helps people improve their hydration choices by drinking more water deliciously and choose better foods and beverages as part of their wellness journey. Prior to joining Grand Brands, Mr. Cuddihy led a successful turnaround of another consumer products company, ProPhase Labs, Inc., as their chief operating office and chief financial officer. Mr. Cuddihy graduated from Franklin and Marshall College with a BA in accounting. Soon enough, he became a certified public accountant, working at KPMG from1981 to1987, wherehe last servedas a seniormanager.Mr. Cuddihy moved on to work at HMG Worldwide Corp. He was HMG Worldwide’s chief operating officer, chief financial officer and chief information officer between 1987 and 2001. Mr. Cuddihy was also the president of HMG’s Worldwide’s interactive marketing division. From 2001 to 2009, Mr. Cuddihy served as chief financial officer, treasurer and secretary of iDNA, Inc., and since 2001, he has served as president of Shannon Hill Associates. Transitioning from the financial world to be a business operator and entrepreneur was the right choice forMr. Cuddihy, as he believes he thrives off of helping companies grow, become more profitable, efficient and customer- centric. Outside of work, Mr. Cuddihy is a sports, news and movie enthusiast with a particularly strong passion for ice hockey. ROBERT V. CUDDIHY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Grand Brands, Inc. Basking Ridge, NJ BUSINESS SERVICES, CONSULTING AND HUMAN RESOURCES