Millennium Magazine_5th Ed

138 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine J udith Shulamith Langer-Surnamer Caplan has had a flourishing career in genealogy since 1995 at Up, Roots! Genealogy Research Services, based in Long Beach, New York. Her interest in genealogy began when her son suggested she create a family tree to learn more about their family, and from there Ms. Caplan caught the genealogy bug. Ms. Caplan graduated from Brooklyn College in 1966 with a BA in English and from Syracuse University in 1968 with an MA in mass communication and television. From 1966 to 2001, Ms. Caplan was an English teacher at various high schools in Brooklyn and Queens, New York, and a Hebrew teacher in New York and Georgia between 1975 and 1985. For Ms. Caplan, one of the highlights of her career was being editor of the LitvakSIG Online Journal in the late 2000s. She found the stories people would write fascinating, and she enjoyed editing them. She is also a published writer and poet of her own works. Ms. Caplan is a member of the Jewish Genealogy Society of Long Island, the Jewish Genealogy Society of New York and the Association of Professional Genealogists. GENEALOGIST, POET, RESEARCHER, EDITOR, EDUCATOR Up, Roots! Genealogy Research Services Long Beach, NY D r. Robert L. Brennan received a BA from Salem State College in 1967, and an MA and EdD from Harvard University in 1968 and 1970, respectively. The author of multiple works on generalizability theory, as well as equating and scaling, Dr. Brennan currently holds the title of professor emeritus at the University of Iowa, where he previously served as E. F. Lindquist Professor from 1994 to 2017. He was also the director of the Iowa Testing Programs and founding director of the Center for Advanced Studies in Measurement and Assessment. Dr. Brennan also had a prominent career with the American College Testing Program. From 1976 to 1994, he served as director of the Measurement Research Department, assistant vice president for measurement research, and distinguished research scientist. He also was an assistant professor at Stony Brook University and lecturer and research assistant at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Dr. Brennan is a fellow of the American Psychological Association and has received many accolades from the National Council on Measurement in Education, the American Educational Research Association, the Midwestern Educational Research Association and the Iowa Academy of Education. PROFESSOR EMERITUS, PSYCHOMETRICIAN University of Iowa Coralville, IA JUDITH SHULAMITH LANGER-SURNAMER CAPLAN ROBERT L. BRENNAN EDUCATION