Millennium Magazine_6th Ed

240 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine Millennium Magazine Featured Listee EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATOR, CONSULTANT Fujioka Consultants Denver, CO D r. Jo Ann Fujioka received a BSN and MSN, both from the University of Colorado. She went on to obtain a PhD from Colorado State University in1987.Motivatedbyherpastof surviving inan internment camp as a Japanese-American and watching her mother struggle with illness, Dr. Fujioka knew that through her passions for nursing and education, she could ultimately help others suffering from illness. Commencing her career in 1961, Dr. Fujioka spent 10 years as a public health and psychiatric nurse at the Denver General Hospital. From 1971 until her retirement in 1995, she worked for the Jefferson County School District in Golden, Colorado, as a school nurse, supervisor of the nursing and health program, and area manager of special education and related services. Post-retirement, Dr. Fujioka has been a consultant in Denver. A gifted presenter, speaker and writer, Dr. Fujioka has received recognition for her contributions to education, political activism and immigration reform. She is a member of the American Association of University Women, National Organization for Women, American Association for School Administrators and the Japanese-American National Museum. JO ANN FUJIOKA, PHD SALWA A. ELGEBALY, PHD CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Nour Heart, Inc. Vienna, VA D r. Salwa A. Elgebaly received a BS in pharmacy from the University of Alexandria, MS in oncology and cancer biology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and PhD in oncology and cancer biology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Completing her postdoctoral fellowship at the Department of Surgery of the University of Connecticut, she is now the sole inventor of seven patents and five pending applications. She has served on over 35 research grants totaling more than $7 million. Her new cardioprotective drug, Cyclocreatine Phosphate, has recently been awarded Orphan Drug Designation from the FDA. The founder and chief executive officer of Nour Heart, Inc., since 1997, Dr. Elgebaly also holds a faculty position at the Department of Surgery of theUniversity of Connecticut. She functioned as the director of the univer- sity’s Surgical Research Center and commenced teaching and research activities in 1981. Additionally, she established and was the director of clinical trials and research at Grove HillsMedical Center and Connecticut Multispecialty Group. Maintaining membership with the American Heart Association, three abstracts of her most recent work on the heart have been accepted for presentation at the 2020 AHA Scientific Meeting. HEALTH AND WELLNESS