Millennium Magazine_6th Ed

304 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine SCIENCES, PHARMACEUTICALS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY W ith influences from his high school and college science educators, Dr. David H. McMahon received a BS in chemistry from Holy Cross College in 1963 and a PhD in chemistry from the University of New Hampshire in 1968. Dr. McMahon kicked off his career in 1967 as a chemist for Exxon Research and Engineering in Linden, New Jersey. In 1970, he joined the Union Camp Corporation in Princeton, New Jersey. He worked as a group leader and senior chemist at the corporation for 29 years until his retirement in 1999. Dr. McMahon was an associate editor of the Journal of Chromatographic Science, and from 1990 to 1992, was an associate editor of Chromatography Illustrated. Throughout his nearly 30-year long career, he says a highlight has been working alongside kind and excellent staff members who shared a similar passion for helping others. He credits much of his success to his ability to multitask and use sound logic. He recalls a logic class from his undergraduate years that taught him the basics of mastering this thought process. In his retirement, Dr. McMahon volunteers with AdoptAPlatoon, an organization that sends snacks to soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, among other locations. Dr. McMahon has been rewarded by contributing to numerous research projects and has traveled across the country for work. The advice he can offer the next generation aspiring to enter his field is to solve problems, learn instrumentation and help your peers to progress, as teamwork is an important factor within the scientific realm. Dr. McMahon is also a member of the Vincent de Paul Society, Knights of Columbus and American Chemical Society. Previously, from 1982 to 1999, he served as the vice chairman or secretary of the E-19 Committee on Chromatography for the American Society for Testing and Materials (now ASTM International). In his free time, his hobbies include antique cars, boating, camping, traveling and partaking in ancestral research. DAVID H. MCMAHON SENIOR CHEMIST (RETIRED) Union Camp Corporation Lawrenceville, NJ