Devoe_Lawrence_MM 6th Ed_CE
BEAT THE WINTER BLUES AND STAY HEALTHY WITH THESE FIVE GUIDELINES The nights are drawing in, the weather is getting chilly and you have taken your thicker clothes out of storage. While many people relish this time of year, others associate it with head colds, flu and a pervasive sense of gloom. Here is how you can keep your mood positive and stay in good health throughout the colder part of the year. GET THE FLU VACCINE While the influenza vaccine does not offer 100 percent protection, it can protect you from the most prevalent strains of flu around in any given year. Getting the flu shot also means that if you do contract influenza, your symptoms will not be as serious and you will not be sick for as long. GET UP AND GET OUT If you are not a winter person, it can be tempting to curl up indoors and hibernate until spring. However, hiding yourself away can worsen your low mood and make you more vulnerable to infections. Resist the urge to huddle under the blanket and get up at your usual time. Try to ensure you take advantage of the natural light that is still available. This can be tricky during the winter, with most of us spending the daylight hours at work. You can maximize your exposure to natural light by taking breaks outdoors when possible and going outside on your days off. If you are still feeling low, consider getting a light therapy box. GET MOVING Keep your blood flowing with plenty of healthy exercise. Physical exertion will help keep you warm and also elevate your levels of endorphins, which are natural chemicals that improve your mood. Exercise also supports your immune system, helping you to fight off coughs and colds. EAT HEALTHY FOOD It is understandable that the cold weather sometimes drives you to seek out your favorite comfort foods. Unfortunately, a heavy load of processed carbohydrates, fats and additives is the last thing your body needs. Instead of reaching for that doughnut, try a tasty baked apple, a bowl of oatmeal or a helping of hot stewed fruit. Fill up on healthy, warming dishes such as roast vegetables, hearty soups and stews made with fresh vegetables, or baked potatoes with nourishing toppings such as chili. Ensure that you continue to get your recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Consider a daily multivitamin, too. GET A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP If you feel tired and run down during the day, poor sleep may be to blame. Try to set aside an hour before bedtime where you turn off all your devices and step away from the television. Avoid backlit e-readers before bed as well. The light from those screens can play havoc with your normal sleep cycles, making you restless and leaving you exhausted in the morning. If you still have trouble sleeping, try meditation before bed. If you have taken reasonable steps to take care of yourself and you are still struggling with lethargy, mood disturbances and general malaise, there might be an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. Check in with your doctor to find out if there is a medical problem causing your symptoms.
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