Millennium Magazine_6th Ed

86 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine I nitially starting out as a road show singer, Dr. Thomas R. Flynn soon discovered his faith in religion, as well as his interest in philosophy. Attending Carroll College, he graduated with a BA in 1958 before traveling to Rome to study at Gregorian University. Noting that the lessons he completed were taught solely in Latin, he impressively graduated first in his class with an STL in 1962. Armed with his licentiate in theology, he returned to Helena, Montana, to teach at his undergraduate alma mater as an instructor of philosophy for four years. He has also been ordained as a priest. Desiring to further his education, Dr. Flynn earned a PhD from Columbia University in 1970 and went on to serve as an assistant professor at the Catholic University of America from 1971 to 1975. He joined the faculty of Emory University in 1978, first as an assistant professor and then promoted to associate professor, full professor and Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Philosophy by 1987. He remains in this role through the present day. In 2006, Carroll College awarded Dr. Flynn with an honorary LHD in recognition of his esteemed contributions to the college. Establishing a grant at the college, he contributed to the endowment chair in the Department of Philosophy with a gift of a considerable monetary amount. Dr. Flynn has published more than 100 essays within his areas of expertise, as well as such books as “Sartre and Marxist Existentialism” in 1984, “Sartre, Foucault and Historical Reason” in 1997 and 2004, and “Existentialism: A Very Short Introduction” in 2006, which has been translated into Chinese, German and Arabic. Recently, he wrote “Sartre: A Philosophical Biography” in 2014. A past president of the American Catholic Philosophy Association, Dr. Flynn has accrued accolades for distinguished teaching: The 1986 United Methodist Church Award for University Scholar Teaching, the 1981 Emory Williams Distinguished Teaching Award and the 1990 Emory Williams Distinguished Teaching Award in the Humanities. He is senior fellow of the American Council of Learned Societies. THOMAS R. FLYNN PRIEST, PHILOSOPHY EDUCATOR Emory University Atlanta, GA EDUCATION