Millennium Magazine_6th Ed

179 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine INVESTMENT EXECUTIVE (RETIRED) Chicago, IL F rom watching her mother reconcile numbers for a credit union, Barbara Landers Bowles was inspired to also pursue a path in mathematics. In 1968, she received a BA in mathematics from Fisk University, and in 1971 obtained an MBA in finance from the University of Chicago. Ms. Bowles owned The Kenwood Group, an equity institutional asset management firm, for 17 years prior to its merger with Profit Investment Management. She subsequently served Profit Investment Management as vice chair from 2006 to 2008. Previously she served Kraft, Inc., as vice president of investor relations. She alsoworked for Beatrice Companies, Inc. and First National Bank of Chicago, now JP Morgan Chase, where she received her Chartered Financial Analyst designation (CFA). The immediate past chair of the board of Fisk University until 2017, Ms. Bowles is a 15-year plus trustee of Fisk University. She is also president of the non-profit organization, the Landers Bowles Family Foundation. Additionally, she retired from the board and as lead director from WEC Energy Group in 2020. She sits on the board of directors of the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago and is a council member of the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business. BARBARA LANDERS BOWLES ECONOMIST Charles River Associates Bethesda, MD I nfluenced by a pair of inspiring economics professors, Dr. Douglas R. Bohi left behind his initial plans to become a geologist in order to pursue the budding profession of economics. In 1962, he received a BS in economics from Idaho State University, and in 1967, obtained a PhD in economics fromWashington State University. After achieving his PhD, Dr. Bohi served with the U.S. Army for two years. For a decade between 1994 and 2004, Dr. Bohi was vice president of Charles River Associates. He has previously served as a division director and senior fellow at Resources for the Future, chief economist at the Federal Energy Regulatory Committee and an economist at the Caterpillar Company. From 1970 to 1978, he was a professor of economics at Southern Illinois University, and has also been a visiting professor at Monash University in Australia. Notably, Dr. Bohi was a Fulbright Scholar by Erasmus University in the Netherlands in 1977. He is proud of the entire fabric of his career; he cannot pinpoint one event as he believes every piece was part of the whole picture. DOUGLAS R. BOHI, PHD FINANCE AND INSURANCE