Millennium Magazine_6th Ed

235 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine E ncouraged by family members to enter the field of nursing, Lorraine Victor felt that nursing was her calling. The first of her family to attend college, she graduated from the College of St. Scholastica with a BSN in 1975. At the inception of her career, she served as a staff nurse at St. Mary’s Hospital in Rochester, Minnesota, for four years before relocating to Madison, Wisconsin, to serve the University of Wisconsin Hospital until 1980. Desiring to pursue higher education, Ms. Victor graduated from the University of Minnesota with an MSN in 1984 while serving the university hospital as a staff nurse. Ms. Victor was placed in the neonatal intensive care unit as a clinical instructor at the Children’s Hospital in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1984. Thereafter, she served multiple medical facilities as a staff nurse and clinical nurse specialist in the neonatal intensive care unit, including the Orlando Regional Medical Center in Florida for two years. Returning to the St. Paul’s Children’s Hospital in 1988, she has been a neonatal nurse practitioner at the facility since 2001. Completing further postgraduate coursework in nursing at St. Catherine University, Ms. Victor is most proud of the opportunities she was afforded to teach other aspiring nurses within her own hospital, as well as other smaller hospitals throughout the region. Teaching young nurses how to stabilize and tend to babies prior to their hospital release, Ms. Victor attributes her success to her willingness to learn new things. She has notably been involved in The Stable Program since 2004, a program that provides information and training on how to stabilize sick babies until they can be taken to intensive care institutions. Throughout her life, Ms. Victor has hoped that her work has had a positive impact on others’ lives, noting that she wishes for others to feel the same levels of success and blessing as she has felt over the years. In recognition of her success, she was honored with the Critical Care Nurse of the Year Award from the Greater Twin Cities chapter of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses in 1992. LORRAINE VICTOR NEONATAL NURSE PRACTITIONER Children’s Hospital St. Paul, MN HEALTH AND WELLNESS