Millennium Magazine_6th Ed

323 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine SOCIAL SERVICES AND NONPROFIT build connections and raise consciousness in the professional advisor community, as well as shift their focus from trust and estate communities to both lawyers and accountants who focus in that space. The mission of the foundation is to help people create legacies and alternatives to private foundations, and work with clients to help them identify specific charitable opportunities and resolve generational issues. Now in his retirement, Mr. Littman still serves as a group leader for ProVisers since 1999, the California Capital Summit since 2005 and Business Forums International since 2006. From 1994 to 1999, he was the executive director of the California Israel Chamber of Commerce, and also holds past experience with the American Nurses Association of Kansas City. He is currently a member of Advisors in Philanthropy and serves on the executive committee of the Exit Planning Institute. Mr. Littman received a BA in marketing from Long Island University in 1967 and an MS in planning and administration from CUNY Baruch College in 1972. He attributes his success to his vigorous personality, his ability to relate to people, his listening skills, and his delivery in working with colleagues and clients as concisely as possible. Throughout the course of his career, Mr. Littman has raised more than $350 million. Throughout his life, Mr. Littman has had three mentors who have guided him into clarity and inspiration: Alvin Hartley, the senior vice president of the Clairol division of Bristol Myers; Stanley Chase, a close friend; and Gordon Gregory, the mind behind ProVisers. Mr. Littman’s advice for fellow development professionals is to not be a fundraiser because a company is searching for money, but instead raise money to create a fund for the foundation so that you can give your charity in a more efficient way. W ith the ability to understand the processes and function of non- profit organizations, Baruch S. Littman dedicated 20 years from 1999 to 2019 as corporate vice president of development for the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles, California. Through networking, he was able to BARUCH S. LITTMAN CORPORATE VICE PRESIDENT OF DEVELOPMENT (RETIRED) Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles Fort Lee, NJ