Millennium Magazine_7th Ed

218 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine HEALTH AND WELLNESS A native of Guatemala, Mercedes Arzú Wilson is renowned for her development of a new natural method of family planning, derived from her experiences while living in Australia with her husband and children. Understanding that the new, natural method of family planning could be simplified, in order to communicate this new method to all different cultures, specifically her own culture in Guatemala, Mrs. Wilson sought to share this knowledge worldwide. Since 1977, Mrs. Wilson has been the president of Family of the Americas Foundation in the area of Covington, Louisiana, and later on inMaryland, near Washington D.C. Attaining much success, she attributes her achievements to her knowledge she has garnered over the decades, and she notes that it is necessary to make women aware that there are simpler, more natural ways to properly and healthily space the number of children they desire. She has conducted studies that have been published in the Catholic Social Science Review, confirming that using the OvulationMethod for achieving pregnancy has an 81.4% rate and a 98.5% success rate in postponing pregnancy naturally. In the future, she hopes to provide this information to the People’s Republic of China to assist them in increasing the birth rates of baby girls, as a disproportionate number of female baby girls have been aborted. To complement her professional endeavors, Mrs. Wilson has authored a book explaining her work, which has been published in 23 different languages. She has been presented with three honorary doctorates in light of her accomplishments, including one from the University of Ponce in Puerto Rico. Notably, she was invited to the Pope’s private HolyMass, where after Mass she had time to discuss her work with the Pope. Additionally, Pope John Paul II started a Pontifical Academy for Life in Rome, in which he invited several prominent Academicians to serve in the Academy; Mrs. Wilson was one of them. The proud mother of two children and grandmother of eight grandchildren, Mrs. Wilson intends to continue her life-changing work, as well as follow Mother Teresa’s example of working in the best interest of families and children. Millennium Magazine Featured Listee MERCEDES ARZÚ WILSON PRESIDENT Family of the Americas Foundation Lothian, MD