Millennium Magazine_7th Ed

34 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine ARTS, MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT A man of many talents, Alfred Elkins has served simultaneously as an insurance company executive and a renowned poet. Employed by Mutual of America in New York for 27 years, he first started with the company as a corporate proofreader in 1985 before being promoted to documents file administrator in 1996. Holding the position for 15 years, he then served as a computer operator in the Filing Department from 2011 until his retirement in 2012. During his tenure with Mutual of America, Mr. Elkins was known as the poet laureate of the company and he enjoyed composing poems for special occasions within the company. Inspired by his mother, who was a writer herself, he notes that his aptitude for poetry has been innate and he published his first poem in high school, titled “The Apple Tree.” Since that time, he has written more than 50 anthologies with various publishers across the United States. The recipient of a Bachelor of Arts from the Herbert H. Lehman College in the Bronx, New York, from 1969, Mr. Elkins has maintained association with the Academy of American Poets, the American Historical Society and the Smithsonian Institution. He has received several accolades in recognition of his poetic prowess, including an Editor’s Choice Award from the International Library of Poetry in 2004, an Editor’s Choice Award from the National Library of Poetry in 1994 and the Golden Poet Trophy from the World of Poetry in 1991, which he cites as a career highlight. Mr. Elkins wishes to be remembered as an individual who was compassionate and always willing to help others. He advises future poets and other professionals in the arts to develop their talents and pursue their goals, regardless of the obstacles faced. For writers in particular, he urges to continue writing and developing your voice, as well as continue sending in your work to publications. Born in New York on September 16, 1946, Mr. Elkins was married to his late wife Ethel Elkins for 39 years. He has written several poems in homage to her memory. Millennium Magazine Featured Listee ALFRED ELKINS POET, INSURANCE COMPANY EXECUTIVE (RETIRED) Mutual of America Bronx, NY