Millennium Magazine_7th Ed

43 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine ARTS, MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT Millennium Magazine Featured Listee CREATIVE DIRECTOR Leopold Ketel Portland, OR ARTIST, GALLERY OWNER, EDUCATOR, CERAMIC RESTORER Heidi Loewen Fine Art Santa Fe, NM JERRY KETEL A fter obtaining a BFA in graphic design from the Pacific Northwest College of Art in 1981, Jerry Ketel discovered his gift for communicating ideas in an effective manner that created impressive results. Since 1996, he has served as a founder and creative director of Leopold Ketel in Portland, Oregon, where he provides artistic design, advertising and marketing for his diversified clientele. Noted for his enthusiasm for making positive changes, Mr. Ketel has been decorated with several accolades, including the Webby Award, Mercury Award, Essy Award and Art Directors Award. While serving Leopold Ketel, Mr. Ketel was the director of strategy for Culture of Future and president of the Portland Advertising Federation. Prior, he was the creative director for Leopold & Ray, associate creative director for Gerber Advertising, senior art director for EvansGroup, art director for Turtledove Clemens and designer for Ryan Communications beginning in 1985. Mr. Ketel finds great enjoyment in helping nonprofits establish themselves. Working with the Oregon Humane Society, he has aided promotional campaigns that have increased adoption rates for cats, dogs and small animals. H eidi Loewen is owner of Heidi Loewen Fine Art, located in Santa Fe. Established in 1998, her gallery showcases her porcelain and metal sculptures. Her Miami Basel ‘Best in Show’ prize-winning sculpture, “It’s the Shoe That Makes the Woman,” is a 6’ metal stiletto, currently illuminated on the roof of her adobe gallery, and has become a Santa Fe landmark. Her porcelain artwork has been described as empowering to women. One example is her 4’ high, smoked porcelain, gold-leafed sculpture, “Filabia Mignon.” Her stance against gun violence is depicted in her sculpture “Un Oeuf is Enough,” Egg with a gilded AK- 47 prominently emerging from the yellow enameled porcelain egg yolk. After receiving degrees in fine art, art history and languages from Skidmore College and the Sorbonne, she worked at Sotheby’s Auction House and the Harvard University Ceramics Department. She has taught celebrities worldwide, was awardedArtist of the Year in Santa Fe, andwas a South Korean UNESCO teaching delegate. She has earned accolades for her exquisite sculptures, including from President Barack Obama and NewMexico Governor Bill Richardson. She shall present her art across the globe, participate in more international exhibitions and expand her network of collectors. HEIDI LOEWEN