Millennium Magazine_7th Ed

65 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine EDUCATION psychology at Indiana University Bloomington under an NSF pre-doctoral fellowship before receiving an MA in psychology from the University of Iowa in 1970, where he was also an NSF pre-doctoral fellow. Two years later, he earned a PhD in psychology from the University of Iowa. At the inception of his career in 1971, Dr. Coleman joined the faculty of Cleveland State University in Ohio as an instructor of psychology, a position he held for one year. Progressing to the rank of assistant professor in 1972, he was promoted to associate professor in 1978, holding the role until 1989. Thereafter, he served as a full professor of psychology from 1989 until attaining emeritus status in 2009. Throughout his career, Dr. Coleman has been a regular reviewer of psychological reports and book manuscripts, as well as a contributor of articles to professional journals and a frequent speaker in the field. He was a consulting editor for “Behavior and Philosophy” for one decade while also reviewing the Journal of Manuscripts in the History of Psychology and Psychology of Learning for two years. Likewise, he reviewed the B.F. Skinner Special Issue and I.P. Pavlov Special Issue of “American Psychologist” in 1992 and 1997. Dr. Coleman holds membership in the International Society for the History of the Behavioral and Social Sciences, Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi. Among the notable highlights of his career, he is most fond of his opportunity to interview renowned psychologist B.F. Skinner, who then invited Dr. Coleman to visit him in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Deriving his inspiration from B.F. Skinner, Dr. Coleman has maintained an interest in the history of scientific psychology instead of the therapeutic or applied aspects of psychology. He has been highlighted in the 25th and 26th editions of Who’s Who in the Midwest. C ultivating an interest in human behavior from a young age, Dr. Stephen R. Coleman pursued the study of psychology and philosophy during his undergraduate years at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where he received a BA in psychology, magna cum laude, in 1965. From there, he completed graduate studies in STEPHEN R. COLEMAN, PHD PROFESSOR OF PSYCHOLOGY (RETIRED) Cleveland State University Chardon, OH