Millennium Magazine_9th Ed

266 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine LAW AND LAW ENFORCEMENT and taught a course in Legal and Business Issues for Artists in all Disciplines. Upon her graduation, she was admitted to practice in New York and Connecticut and the U.S. District Courts for the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York. Ms. Cooper began her legal career as an associate at Edwards & Angell. She served as Of Counsel to Moses & Singer LLP before establishing Cooper & Associates in 2001, where she now serves as Principal Attorney. She is a certified mediator and litigator. Ms. Cooper was President of the Sarah Lawrence College Alumnae/i Association for four years and was invited to join the College’s Board of Trustees, where she served for 12 years. She remains an ex officio member of the Board’s External Relations Committee. The College honored her with a 2015 Alumnae/i Citation for Service. Ms. Cooper wrote, and Simon & Schuster published, “Get Your Back in Shape” in 1984. Thorson’s published the work in Britain in 1985. With a BA and MFA from Sarah Lawrence College, Stephanie R. Cooper began her professional life as a concert and chamber music pianist. She became the founding director and president of Cooper-Grant, Inc., a media and press relations company that she managed in New York for five years. During her tenure, former Prime Minister Harold Macmillan asked Ms. Cooper to direct the North American publication of Macmillan Publishers Ltd. of London’s historic expansion of their encyclopedia, “The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians.” Macmillan credited Ms. Cooper with bringing its sales of the Dictionary to #1worldwide for the first time in the company’s history. Ms. Cooper’s work at Cooper-Grant led her to pursue legal studies, and she received her JD from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in 1986 with honors as a Belkin Scholar and an Alexander Fellow, which brought her the opportunity to serve as a full-time judicial law clerk for Hon. Jack B. Weinstein during the Agent Orange litigation. Cardozo invitedMs. Cooper to teach Legal Writing upon her graduation, and she later extended her teaching to Sarah Lawrence, where she designed STEPHANIE R. COOPER ATTORNEY Cooper & Associates New York, NY