Millennium Magazine_9th Ed

320 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine SCIENCES, PHARMACEUTICALS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY in Pasadena, California, where he was hired by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a research physicist until his retirement in 2015. During his tenure, he worked with the theoretical chemistry of molecular structures, lanthanide ion spectroscopy in solids, and radio interferometric measurements to establish a coordinate reference frame for interplanetary spacecraft navigation. Additionally, he contributed to the navigation of a new generation of Mars probes and served on international committees. Dr. Sovers has authored or co-authored a number of articles in professional journals, as well as various books. He is a former member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Geophysical Union, as well as a current member of the American Physical Society and Sigma Xi. Although his career has been filled with highlights, he finds learning current advances in science first-hand to be the most rewarding aspects of his vocation. A native of Riga, Latvia, Dr. Ojars J. Sovers experienced an eclectic education growing up, having completed elementary school at a Latvian camp in Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany, prior to immigrating to the United States. Attending secondary education in Pennsylvania and through the New York City Public School System, he graduated fromhigh school in 1954 with a Lincoln Service Award and Biology Medal. Subsequently, he enrolled in Brooklyn College, became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1956, and received a BS in physics and chemistry in 1958. Shortly thereafter, he attended Princeton University on a National Science Foundation fellowship. He earned his PhD in 1962 and went on to complete postdoctoral studies at the University of Oxford in England and Columbia University. Commencing his career with Argonne National Laboratory in 1958, Dr. Sovers joined the GTE Laboratories in 1964, remaining with the company until 1972. From there, he relocated to Tokyo, Japan, where he was with the technical staff of the development division of Sony for six years. In 1979, he returned to the United States OJARS J. SOVERS, PHD RESEARCH PHYSICIST (RETIRED) Jet Propulsion Laboratory Florence, OR