Millennium Magazine_9th Ed

332 Millennium - A Marquis Who’s Who Magazine SOCIAL SERVICES AND NONPROFIT committee members, directors of camps and administrators. In light of her contributions, she received a Recognition for Service Award. Ms. Frey is also a deaconess for her church and serves with Christian Missions in Many Lands in the United States, Missionary Service Committee and the Wallenstein Bible Chapel in Canada. Although her career has been abounded with highlights, she is especially grateful for meeting people from all walks of life, particularly former inmates who have become Evangelists as well as pastors of churches. Looking forward, Ms. Frey intends to return to Canada and spend more time with her family and continue sharing the Word of the Lord with others. Her brother and his wife were missionaries in Spain for 40 years, and her sister and her husband are missionaries to the sailors of Welland Canal in Ontario, Canada. Her other sister and her husband were involved with Bible studies for university students. Growing up, Ether Frey and her family were heavily involved in church activities. Her father invited Bible teachers and missionaries into their home, thus introducing her to the different missionaries from across the globe. She accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior at 7 years old. As she became older, she desired to learn more about God and the Bible, and attended a Bible college in Chicago. Although certain about her forthcoming career path, Ms. Frey cemented her decision to lead a Christian life after talking to God, through His Word, that she should instruct others in the Word of the Lord. Ms. Frey’s first exposure to missions was in 1965 when she spent one year in Venezuela. After immigrating to Puerto Rico in 1966, she began serving as a missionary for the Escuela Biblica Emmaus in San Juan, where she later became a regional director for Bible correspondence courses. Remaining in this role since, she has also contributed to the El Camino, La Verdad, Y La Vida Camp, for whom she has served as one of the founders since 1971. Blessings of this work are seeing former campers in positions of ESTHER FREY MISSIONARY, REGIONAL DIRECTOR Escuela Biblica Emmaus San Juan, Puerto Rico