Marquis Who's Who Millennium Magazine

87 A Marquis Who's Who Magazine D r. Jerry Clack attended Princeton University, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in classics in 1946. In 1958 he was awarded a Master of Arts, and in 1962, a doctorate of philosophy, both in classics from the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Clack launched his professional career in 1947 as a staff member on the United States National Commission for UNESCO. Then, returning in 1951 to Pittsburgh as a public relations consultant, he was appointed director of the Alleghany County chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (March of Dimes). He served in that capacity for 15 years, participating in the mass inoculation programs of Jonas Salk’s anti-polio vaccine, the establishment of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, and the March of Dimes’ restructuring to address the problem of birth defects. In 1968, returning to his original calling and training, he was appointed to Duquesne University’s classics faculty before being promoted to a full professorship in 1975. During his tenure of more than 40 years, he assumed a leadership role in his profession, serving in 1987 as president of the Pennsylvania Classical Association and as president of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States that same year. Moreover, he edited Classical World, a widely respected journal, from 1985 to 2000. Finally, during his professorship he published four volumes dealing with Greek Hellenistic poetry and authored numerous articles and book reviews. Since his retirement in 2012, his interests have centered on the Opera Theater of Pittsburgh, for which he serves as chairman of the board of directors. Of his many awards, there are three of which he is most proud: the Norman Cousins Award presented by Citizens for Global Solutions, an annual lecture series mounted in his name by the Classical Association of the Atlantic States, and most recently the annual National Trustee Award, a tribute from Opera America. Jerry Clack, PhD Classics Educator Pittsburgh, PA